Hi There!

I'm Samuel Rutakayile, a software engineer focused on solving problems one keystroke at a time

Get in touch samuel.rutakayile@gmail.com

Check out My Resume


I'm currently a Software Engineer at Irembo , building tools & platforms to push forward e-governance. I recently graduated from Adventist University of Central Africa with a B.S. in Software Engineering

As a software engineer, I enjoy solving intricate problems through software. My goal is to always build applications that are scalable and efficient under the hood while providing engaging, great user experiences.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably playing some drums or going on walks.

  • Java
  • JavaScript (ES6)
  • TypeScript
  • Swift
  • C++
  • HTML
  • CSS/Sass
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Spring
  • NestJS
  • React
  • React Native
  • Electron
  • Angular
  • SOLR
  • D3
  • Bash
  • Git & Github
  • Jenkins
  • Maven
  • Lucene
  • Postgres
  • MongoDB
July 2021 - Present
Software Engineer
Sep 2019 - Jul 2021
Backend & Mobile Developer
Teaching Assistant (Web Technologies, Java)
Sep 2014 - Mar 2015
Web Developer
View My Resume

A library based on TypeORM that allows flexible querying to an SQL database with HTTP query parameters

Typescript NodeJS Postgres

A simple React App that visually represents how some algorithms work.

React Javascript

A mobile application that allows users to rate their experience with a moto-taxi driver, and view choose the best moto-taxi driver to pick for their next ride

React Native Spring Firebase Postgres

A todo list mobile application with intuitive and minimal design.

React Native Javascript Firebase

Final-Year project at my university. A simple web application & mobile application that allows the management and onboarding of field workers/employees.

NestJS React React Native Postgres Typescipt JavaScript Google Maps

A CLI tool to automatically initialize git locally set repo remotely.

Jekyll HTML SCSS JavaScript

An arduino IoT project that allows users to get metrics on the water usage of their household

C++ Postgres Arduino React Spring OpenWeatherMap API

A simple Email & SMS Notification micro-service.

Spring Postgres Kubernetes Spring Cloud Github Actions

A simple Apple Podcast Application


Configuration File used for my VS Code setup

JSON Visual Studio Code